HR Meet 2014
Theme: Evolving Role of HR
Venue: The Everest Hotel, Kathmandu
Date: March 21, 2017 8:00am onwards
Increasing complexity of workforce dynamics is causing a radical shift in the HR professional’s role from administrative expert to strategic partner. Traditionally administrative processes like tracking employee information and coordinating compensation are now largely automated, giving HR professionals the opportunity and responsibility to play a bigger role.
The role of strategic partner comes with new expectations. Company leaders express concern that HR management is disconnected from the real needs of the business implying the senior HR executive should be a business person first and an HR leader second. HR departments are expected to be more focused on the effect of what they do on the corporation as opposed to the effect of what they do on HR alone.
As the role and impact of the HR profession continues to evolve, Organizations have reached a critical crossroad. Business leaders and HR professionals have the opportunity to understand the history that brings them to the current situation. They have to be informed by predictable trends, and to make the transformation necessary to result in organizational competitive advantage and HR functional viability. If organizations do not step forward with compelling HR leadership, the future will be determined for them. The good news is that the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to do this exist now and are teachable.
Context to the Nation
Human Resources departments have been set up in most of organizations in the country but as a subsidiary to the administrative unit rather as a strategic partner that can contribute to furthering the organization’s goals. The role of HR in furthering of the organization is undermined or neglected all together.
Because of the partial understanding of the significance of human resources management, most HR departments are headed by people who do not have the relevant education background or experience.
The role of HR departments has been limited to carrying out routine activities such as record keeping, updating the pay roll and maintaining relations with employees. Organizations do not involve their HR managers in strategy formulation, decision making and business planning process. Vital decisions related to employees are taken by senior managers without consulting the human resources. Ignorance goes to the lengths that HR representatives are not even included in committees formed to recommend policies on employee management.
HR Meet 2014- Evolving Role of HR has been a success with exciting participation by various sectors and organizations and from different regions of Nepal. Notable speakers from Nepal and from other parts of South Asia contributed in generating awareness about this evolving dynamic role of HR in the growth of an organization.
Through adequate discussions and interactions between and among the audiences and the facilitators, the participants were able to understand and get an insight about the evolution of HR. It also established that Human resources and relations are the key to development and growth of the organization. Important concepts of job and organizational modeling were introduced and taught to the participants helping them break some myths set through market stereotyping.
The event intended to establish HR as a strategic asset to the organization which the event delivered with an aim that the participants would implement the same at their organizations.
As organizer of the program, Growth Sellers Pvt. Ltd. has mapped the instant feedback from the participants. The feedbacks were positive as it added new dimension to the role of HR which was previously unheard of in the context. The positive and encouraging feedback added further value to the program and provided realm for continuation of the annual event. The question and answer part was appreciated by the participants however, we had some issues of insufficient time to take questions from all the participants which will be taken into account in the future. The program involved experience sharing and encouragement from the part of the facilitators.
Speaker Profiles
Mr. Hari Bhakta Sharma
As the Executive Director of the Deurali-Janta Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. (DJPL) for over 20 years, he has been instrumental to the promotion and management and growth of the company as one of the leading pharmaceuticals in Nepal. He holds experience in corporate planning, policy formulations and implementations of company projects and plans including Planning in the local Nepalese context He also holds experience in policy guidance and management in investment arena in Nepalese market.
Abha Maryada Benerjee
Abha Maryada Banerjee is India’s first woman motivational speaker of international acclaim, rated as one of the Top Ten Life, Business and Success Coaches in Asia Pacific. An expert at Leadership, Human Peak Performance and Emotional Intelligence, Abha has been the Peak Performance/Mental Strength Coach for Indian Olympic Athletes. Having spoken at prestigious forums across Asia, she has coached and consulted top CEOs, Media personalities, Sports Stars, Business people, leaders in the making and has been closely associated with the spiritual aspect of Leadership as well. Called ‘Asian Oprah’ and the ‘Asian Woman Motivator’, she professes ‘Personal Mastery’ for individuals and ‘Emotional Fitness’ for Corporates’ and Entrepreneurs for achieving human capital excellence.
Abha is the REX Global Fellow 2014 for her exceptional contribution to the field of motivation and people building. She is also the recipient of the REX KARMA VEER Awards 2014 for the same touted as a Laureate for their work. She has also been recognized as a Premier Expert in Leadership and Motivation internationally and was chosen as America’s Premier Experts. She recently appeared on Brian Tracy’s show for her book on Leadership for Women. The Show will be seen on international TV networks like FOX, NBC,ABC, CNN, CNBC and she will be featured in international journals like Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, Forbes and USA today.
Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta
With over 19 years of experience in the field of management as an educator and practitionerDr. Nilanjan Sengupta has worked as a teacher, trainer, researcher and management consultant in national level and international level institutions. Dr. Sengupta is a registered PhD guide at VTU, Belgaum and has been associated with organizations such as OXFAM and The World bank. Currently, he is working as a Professor in the field of HRM and OB in SDMIMD, Mysore.
Dr. Mousumi Sengupta
Dr. Mousumi has more than 14 years of working experience as a faculty member, consultant, researcher and trainer. She has been associated as a faculty member with reputed Indian management education institutes such as, IISWBM, Kolkata; IMT, Nagpur; PESSE, Bangalore; KIAMS, Harihar; SIBM, Bangalore; and I2IT, Pune. Currently, she is working as a Professor in the field of HRM and OB in SDMIMD, Mysore. She has been a trainer and consultant for many public and private sector companies, especially in the sectors, such as, Banking, manufacturing, advertising, IT & ITES, NGO, Healthcare, and Hospitality. She is the author of 4 well- acclaimed books in the management field, among which, the book entitled Emotional Intelligence: Myth or Reality” has won the 2nd Prize in the ISTD Book award 2007-2008.