HR Meet 2012
Theme: Shifting Paradigm of HR
Date: February 03, 2012 8:00am onwards
Venue: The Everest Hotel, Kathmandu
With the inception of HR Meet in 2008 Growth Sellers Private Limited, first came up with the idea of creating a common platform to discuss HR issues and create HR awareness in the context of Nepal. Ever since then HR Meet has continued to take place annually based on enormous feedback and increasing number of participants and stakeholders. It was the sole effort of G.S. when it made the attempt to bring professionals together then to interact, learn, experience, and share when various keynote speakers from diverse fields contributed for the overall well being of the HR community and promoting awareness. Based on the recognition of the need of a program as such HR Meet over the consecutive years has observed increased participation and the popularity of the program continues on a steady pace. This time during HR Meet 2012 the program saw a tremendous turnover of participants exceeding to 220 plus with maximum participants from different sectors registering for the meet on their own self initiatives and even observed increased counter registration whereby situations had become tough for the organizers so as not to disappoint any of the willing participants.
Following the commitment of organizing HR Meet every year Growth Sellers again organized HR Meet 2012 on February 3, 2012, Thursday at the Grande Ball Room of Everest Hotel, New Baneswore. The program was inaugurated by Mr. Pratik Kumar Pathak. The program was facilitated and conducted by Medial Personality Mr. Somesh Verma. It started after the formal inaugural with a session by Mr. Sohan Babu Khatri, CEO of 3H Management, one of Nepal’s leading consultants.
Participants of HR MEET 2012
This year HR Meet 2012 was organized with the theme “Shifting Paradigm of HR.” More than 220 participants from corporate sector, financial institutions, academic institutions, NGO/INGO, and various organizations attended the one-day program which included keynote sessions and presentations from leading HR leaders and management consultants from India, Nepal, Germany and Bangladesh. As a part of Growth Sellers’ commitment of adding new feature to the program every year, this year’s meet too featured three selected presentations from the participants to enable participants to share their knowledge amid a prestigious crowd represented by different individuals from a wide array of organizations.
The highlight of the event was the award for the best HR Manager of The Year, initiated in the year 2010 by Growth Sellers which in itself is the first attempt in Nepal to felicitate an outstanding HR Manager. Mr. Kumar Joshi from Everest Bank was awarded with the title HR Manager Of The Year 2010 in the year 2011. Giving continuity to the felicitation program Mr. Bhuban Raj Joshi, Director of Human Resources representing Hyatt Regency in Nepal was awarded with the title CG Foundation HR Manager Of The Year 2011 amid HR Meet this year.
Country Context
- Nepal being an underdeveloped country had been deprived of new advancements in terms of institutionalization of HR and HR issues, a decade back. But over the time Nepal is observing more and more attention given towards human capital.
- More and more HR-related workshops and programs are being organized as a result of Growth Sellers’ attempt to organize its flagship annual event HR Meet which has been patented by Department of Industry authorizing Growth Sellers as the only entity that can organize HR Meet in Nepal.
The only aim of HR Meet has been to promote HR awareness and strengthen the human capital fraternity.
Mr.Suhail Gupta
Managing Director
Edward de Bono Methods Training, India
- Clients include top fortune 500 companies and leading organizations in India.
- Certified Master trainer in Dr Edward De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats.
- Certified Trainer in Dr Edward De Bono’s Lateral Thinking, DATT (POP), Simplicity and CoRT.
- Certified Six Sigma Consultant
- Certified Trainer- Think on your Feet®
- Certified NLP Practitioner
- Certified FISH trainer
- Certified Trainer – John Adair Action Centered Leadership Model
- Indira Group of Institutes – Young HR Leadership Award 2010
Asia’s Best Employer Brand Awards Singapore – Young HR professional of the year 2011
Mr. Mark Disney
Chief Operating Officer, LCCI Asia
Over the past few years Mark has moderated and delivered papers at numerous education and HR conferences, including most recently the following:
- September 2011 – Asia World Summit
‘Where has Malaysia’s Talent Gone?’ - August 2011 – 8th Technical and Vocational Education & Training Conference
‘Eliminating Ambiguity: Moving up the Value Chain through Concerted Efforts’. - April 2011 – 15th Malaysian Education Summit 2011
‘Transformation in Motion: Driving Dynamic Improvement towards a World-Class Education System.’ - March 2011 – Master Class PA Conference 2011 (Sri Lanka)
‘Vocational qualifications, employability, and lifelong learning’ Regional assessment of TVET trends - March 2011 – British Council Going global International Conference (Hong Kong)
‘What is the real impact of TNE?’ Comparative assessment of regional education players in becoming a hub for transnational education
Mr. Sohan Babu Khatri
CEO, Three H Managment Pvt. Ltd.
- Licensed International Financial Analyst (LIFA) – Charter Holder
- Certified Financial Manager (CFM)
- MBA (Finance and Marketing)
Mr. Joseph B. Niraula
Asia Director of Caritas International
- Coach and a practitioner of Timeline and Hypnotherapy.
- Certified NLP Practitioner • Trainer of Coaching for Performance
- Trainer of Do No Harm (Local Capacity for Peace)
- Trainer of Stress Management (Using Eastern and Western Meditation Techniques)
Also participant presentation were made by Ms. Catrin Froehlich, Germany Nepal Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Kumar Josh, HR Manager of The Year 2010, and Ms. Farjana Quader from Bangladesh.
All the presentations by all the speakers will be posted in HR Meet’s official web site, www.hrmeet.com.np from where it can be downloaded for free and also who could not participate can benefit from the proceedings of the event by logging on to the site.
The program was a grand success with overwhelming participation from various sectors and various places of the nation. Participants made queries with the resource persons during Q&A session with regards to the input they received on various aspects of the resource persons’ presentations and speeches.
HR Meet also served as an opportunity for everyone involved to meet new people, explore new avenues increase business and personal networking and engage in relevant conversation.
This year’s program also observed participation from neighboring country India and Germany which in itself describes the growing popularity of the program not only nationally but globally albeit nominal participation from abroad.
The event ended with vote of thanks from Growth Sellers Chairman Mr. Mohan Ojha with the commitment to meet in upcoming HR Meet 2013, followed by cocktail dinner. Growth Sellers Chairman expressed his hearty thanks to all the entities listed below without whose support and contribution the program would not have proved as successful as it has been in terms of recognition and popularity.
Growth Sellers had taken immediate feedback from the participants amid the program in order to engage the participants as a major contributor to the success of future program by their honest feedback. The program received an overwhelming positive feedback from the participants appreciating the importance of such event and suggestions for betterment of future HR Meets.
Participant feedback ranged from rating the program excellent to suggestion for organizing the program focusing in different arenas.
Endorsed by
- Ministry of General Administration
- Nepal Chamber of Commerce
- Management Association of Nepal
Associate Patner
- LCCI Nepal
- Three H Management
- CG Foundation
- NLG Insurance
- Batas Organization
Supportive Partner
- Solar Solutions
- Signature
- Silver Crest Network
Travel Partner
- Ace Travels.Com
Managed by
- Vogue