HR Meet 2010
Theme: HR Leadership-The Six Sigma way
Date: February 26, 2010 8:00am onwards
Venue: The Everest Hotel, Kathmandu
It was the year 2008 when growth sellers Pvt. Ltd., first came up with the idea of creating a common platform to discuss HR issues and create HR awareness in the context of Nepal. Ever since then it has continued to take place annually based on enormous feedback from participants. It was a 100% effort when the attempt that G.S made to bring HR professionals together then to interact, learn and share with various keynote speakers from diverse fields contributing for the overall professional well-being of the HR community. In the year 2009, the effort was a little less to motivate the HR community to attend the program and approximately 40% of the participants were motivated to participate in the event on their own as a result of the impact of HR meet 2008 and the trend continues. This year the program saw a tremendous turnover of participants exceeding to 200 plus with more than 60% of the participants joining on their own initiatives.
Following the commitment of organizing HR Meet every year Growth Sellers Once again organized HR Meet 2010 on March 26, 2010, Friday at the Grande Ball room of Everest Hotel, New Baneswore. The program was inaugurated by Secretary for department of General Administration Mr. Balananada Poudel. The program was facilitated by Mr. Manoharman Shrestha, a reputed management consultant and Master of Ceremony Mr. Somesh Verma. It started after the formal inaugural with a management game by facilitator Mr. Shrestha which warmed up the participants to be focused throughout the event.
This year HR Meet 2010 was organized with the theme HR Leadership-The Six Sigma Way. Around 200 participants attended the one-day program consisting of speech sessions from leadership consultant, Banker, Businessmen, and Six Sigma Consultant. Taking a different approach from the past trend of solely making it a speech-oriented program, this year training for Six-Sigma Champion with Certification by international expert, Dr. R.S. Chalapathi was organized and the greater half of the session was dedicated for training where a large number of audience could learn and know more about Six Sigma which is still not in practice in Nepal but all successful companies throughout the world implement it for overall organizational success.
The highlight of the event was the award for the best HR Manager of the year, starting this year. Ms. Nita Rana from Golchha Organization was awarded with the title HR Manager of the year 2009. She has been working as a human resource manager in Golchha Organization Since September 2008. She has worked in a number of organizations ranging from airlines to hotel business. She was awarded by the title by MAN (Management Association of Nepal) president Dr. Janak Raj Shah.
Country Context
- Nepal being an underdeveloped country and where HR issues are still un-noticed largely and there is no proper mechanism of managing HR, HR Meet is an attempt to bring these issues to attention and work it out amid the growing union problem, unrest and employee turnover. We have been able to see a remarkable impact of the past HR Meets where companies are showing their increased concern on HR issues.
- Although whenever the word HR comes, people still think that HR means only people who are head of the HR department or HR executives but in a small country like ours the concept has to be broadened and instead of taking HR as only the unit that drives the company, it is important to bring together all the company resource under the umbrella of HR resources and this is what G.S. has been attempting to do and finds remarkable success in this attempt with the growing participation from different designation from low ranking to high ranking and different companies ranging from small to giant ones.
Event Highlights
- International Leadership consultant Steve Morris from Singapore and Dr. R.S. Chalapathi, Six Sigma Consultant from Institute of Sigma Learning, India were the major resource persons contributing in this event. Mr. Sujit Mundul, CEO,
- Standard Chartered Bank, Mr. Ananda Bagariya, M.D. Nimbus Agri Enterprises were the resource persons from Nepal.
- International Leadership Consultant Mr. Steve Morris captured the audiences’ attention with a very effective presentation on Attracting Star Performance and shed light on emotional freedom technique with live statistical examples. He briefed on various techniques of overcoming fear. “Human resource management is about managing people and HR manager always has to consider the well-being of the workers, so that they can give their best at all times, “said Morris.
- Mr. Sujeet Mundul shared his insight on emerging concepts of HR and termed the assets of organization as people meaning the human resources. He gave a fabulous presentation on Changing Perspectives on HR management. “I know at least 300 employees out of 378 at the standard Chartered Bank by name. If you want to know people and deal with them effectively, it’s easy to manage them,” Mundul said.
- Mr. Ananda Bagaria gave an exclusive presentation on Role of HR manager in making a company successful and shared his knowledge on how the role of a HR manager can effect in the overall success of a company.
- DR. R.S. Chalapathi from Institute of Sigma Learning Hyderabad, gave a presentation in synch to this year’s theme HR Leadership-The Six Sigma Way. He customized the presentation to apply Six Sigma approach for HR professionals and the presentation was named HR Leadership-The Six Sigma Way. Although a new topic, it was impressive enough on how Professionals could use Six Sigma Principles at the HR level to minimize defects at the process level for better output. He also trained the participants as Six Sigma Champion after lunch in order to develop the ability in them to lead Six Sigma implementation and Six Sigma Projects at workplace.
Transfer of Learning to the Workplace
G.S. will be providing soft copies of all the presentations by speakers for all the participants in a CD for them to transfer what they learned in the event to their workplace so that not only them but their subordinates too can benefit from the event.
The program was a grand success with overwhelming participation from various sectors and various places of the nation. HR and non-HR-Professionals made queries with the resource persons with regards to the input they received on various aspects on the presentation made by the resource persons. It was also an opportunity for everyone involved to meet new people, explore new avenues and increase business and personal networking. This year’s program was not just participatory but a more interactive platform was provided for the participant which added to the program.
The event ended with vote of thanks by Growth Sellers Chairman, Mr. Mohan Ojha with the commitment to come forward with yet another HR Meet 2011, followed by cocktail dinner. G.S. Chairman expressed his hearty thanks to all the stake holders listed below without whose support and contribution the program would not have gotten the mileage it gained.
Moral Support
- Nepal Chamber of Commerce
- Management Association of Nepal
Supportive Sponsors
- Batas
- United Insurance
- Global College
- Marigold
- Direction Nepal
Strategic Partner
- Nepal Info Park Pvt. Ltd.
Media Partner
- New Business Age
- Aviyan
- Yeti Airlines
- Citizen Bank
- BRT International
- IDL Nepal Tours & Travels
- Falcon eyes
- Nepa Hima Traders (Sony)
- Fast Tracks Kids
- Informatics College
- Last Resort
- Signature Whiskey
- Everest Beer
Official Hotel
- The Everest Hotel
Event Managed By
- Vogue
The program received overwhelming positive feedback from the participants appreciating the importance of such event.