HR Meet 2009
Theme: Lead the Future
Date: February 27, 2009 8:00am onwards
Venue: The Everest Hotel, Kathmandu
The field of human resources management (HRM) has undergone several seismic shifts in the last 30 years, and these shifts cause businesses to challenge old concept of dealing with employees.
The external business environment is becoming global in nature and more and more complexities are arising in economy, politics, sophistication and technology, especially as Nepal looks beyond its traditional way of doing business. In an era where the external environment so greatly affects a company’s ability to compete, employees and managers need to receive the necessary training and development, to equip themselves in order to take up the challenges the environment poses, and to broaden their work and personal abilities.
Identifying the above-mentioned facts, HR MEET 2009 with the theme “LEAD THE FUTURE!” took place on February 27, 2009 8:00 a.m. onwards in the Everest Hotel, New Baneswore.
The program was inaugurated by lighting panus by all the resource persons. Keynote speakers from diverse fields and areas shared their valuable insight among the participants. Major resource persons of the program were Dr. Lindsey Nicol Godwin-Assistant Prof. (Management), Morehead State University, USA and Ms. Prijo Alleli Mai-Group HR Executive, Telia Sonera Group (Spice Nepal).
The program was mainly focused on strengthening the HR Community and aimed at providing a common platform for HR managers and professionals in Nepalese context. The targeted participants were HR executives and management professionals and the program was graced by a remarkable presence of over 200 attendees depicting the growing consciousness of HR in context of Nepal where the concept of HR is still neglected.
Mr. Rajendra K. Khetan
Chairman, Khetan Group
Mr. Rajendra K. Khetan made a presentation on future HR market involving trade. Mr. Khetan mainly focused on talking about WTO and its direct impact in Nepalese context. He emphasized on the benefits on the strengthening of trade in Nepal with regards to the affiliation to the WTO. He also made mention of SAFTA, SASEA, Bangkok Agreement, Indo-Nepal relations and Asian Highway-UN ESCAP.
He termed HR as the drive-force for future economy and pointed out the need of creative and innovative professionals. He also stressed on the need of technocrats in the country and specialized workforce in order to be able to develop a pool of efficient and result-oriented human resources. He mentioned that human resource professionals need to understand the global market. He termed HR as the major role player for future economy.
Rameshwore Khanal
Secretary, Ministry of Finance
Mr. Khanal gave his presentation on the topic managing change-Experience in a government system. He pointed out the relevance of change management in government being equally important to private sector. He talked about engineering changes and impediments/resistance to change. He pointed the role of the leader in accommodating changes.
Rabindra Man Shrestha
MD, Continental Trading
Mr. Shrestha gave his presentation on, present status on HRM in Nepal and future challenges. He termed human resource management as getting even more challenging owing to fluid sociopolitical scenario, brain drain, transitional politics, serious absence of law and order, impact of global recession in Nepalese economy and tourism. He stressed upon the importance of preparedness of HR managers for bargaining with the unions due to the ease of union formation policy by the new government and exploring possible ways to manage and lead the human resources. He also made a note of lack of a separate ministry for HR.
Nawaraj Silwal
SP, Nepal Police
Mr. Silwal gave his presentation on accepting challenges in HR-Nepalese perspective. Despite belonging to a policing background he seemed to have a valuable insight on human resource management. He talked about the major HR challenges, lack of transparency in human resource management, use of technology to enhance performance in this competitive scenario, need of overcoming challenges, requirement of counseling and training. He also cited the need of effective and result-oriented planning.
Mr. Rabi Bhandari
Associate Professor of Economics, St. Mary’s College of California, USA and Fulbright scholar
Mr. Bhandari made his speech on workforce diversity. He shared his thoughts on problem of limited employment in Nepal. He also shared his knowledge and experience in how discrimination creates a negative impact if workforce diversity is not respected by team members. He stressed on the need of diversity of training and understanding workforce. He also made mention about requirement of diversity of training workshop and needs assessment.
Mr. Siddhartha Raj Pandey
CEO-ACE Development Bank
Mr. Pandey made his brief speech on corporate governance and HR. He talked about the importance of having a separate dedicated HR department in organizations which is lacking in Nepal. He related HR manager with corporate house due to existing union laws and made note of how effective HR management can be as an important tool to solve unpleasant situations which are common these days.
He talked about scarcity of qualified HR manager to select an efficient team.
Ms. Prijo Anneli Mai
Group HR executive, Telia Sonera
Ms. Mai, Group HR executive, Telia Sonera representing Spice Nepal gave her presentation on HR as a Strategic Partner.
Dr. Lindsey Nicol Godwin
Assistant Professor of Management, Morehead State University, USA
Dr. Godwin gave her presentation on “Applying strength-based methods to leverage employee potential at every level.”
Dr. Godwin talked about unlocking organization’s strengths. She talked about learning to appreciate and changing how to see change. She also made note of shifting from problem to solutions. She shared her valuable expertise on traditional problem solving versus appreciative enquiry method.
- Speakers were felicitated by token of memento by representative from Growth Sellers after their respective session was over.
- The program was supported by FNCCI, BATAS Organization, United Insurance, Apex College, Signature Whiskey, Mark Davidson Wine, social partnership with Nepal Info Park, and the event was managed by VOGUE.
- The program ended with vote of thanks by Growth Sellers Chairman, Mr. Mohan Ojha followed by cocktail dinner along with a musical DJ session.