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HR Meet 2013

HR Meet 2013

Theme: Empowering Human Capital
Date: Feb 07, 2013 8:00am onwards
Venue: The Everest Hotel, Kathmandu


The 6th Edition of HR Meet, HR Meet 2013 an annual patented event of Growth Sellers Private Limited was held in Hotel Everest New Baneswore. The event was inaugurated by Mr. Durga Nidhi Sharma, secretary of Ministry of General Administration. The program was observed by over 200 people from different sectors with participants ranging from mid-level to C suite executives.

The program featured internationally acclaimed speaker and Guest of Honor of the event, Mr. Minocher Patel from Pune, India. Similarly DG of Department of Labor, Nepal Joint Secretary Mr. Kewal Prasad Bhandari, Mr. Mahesh Sharma from Delhi, India; Mr. Akshay Wal and Mrs. Reena Wal from Lucknow India had their presentations in the context of Human Resources sharing their valuable insight and expertise.

Also amid this program, the HR Manager of the Year 2012 award was given away to Mrs. Bina Rana, HR Head of Standard Chartered Bank. The cash Award of Rs. 50,000 was sponsored by Exclusive Minds as Chronos HR Manager of The Year. The jury to choose the award recipient included the past three HR Managers of The Year namely Ms. Nita Rana, Mr. Bhuban Raj Joshi, and Mr. Kumar Joshi. Other domestic speakers included Dr. Bharat Rawat, and Mr. Gyanendra Lal Pradhan. The program ended with Vote of Thanks by Growth Sellers Chairman Mr. Ojha

More than 150 Participants of HR Meet 2013 were from diverse organizations attended the program. The participants were from corporate, INGOs/NGOs and financial institutions, development agencies and government organization obtain valuable insight on empowering human capital for organization growth. Media personnel from different media also grace the program. FNNCCI and MAN have acknowledged the program through their support. Ministry of General Administration has been the similar grace for the support to the program.

Context to the Nation

Nepal is evolving for the advance organization practice integrating the technology and the context of labor market dynamics has been the crucial challenge to the growth of local economy. Relating this to the policy of Nepal Government and the challenges of labor market in Nepal, Mr. Kewal Pd. Bhandari, Director General, Department of Labor highlighted to contribute on attaining the national economy creating local opportunities. Similarly, Durga Nidhi Sharma, Secretary of General Administration encouraged the participants to materialize the knowledge learn through such forum to their respective organization. The program was followed by Happy Leadership- motivational context to the participants about organization practice facilitated by Mr. Minochar Patel and then continued by other domestic and international speakers.

The presentation of MR. Gyanenedra Lal Pradhan, from Hydro solution shared about how to motivate staffs in an organization. Dr. Bharat Rawat from Norvic Hospital pleased the audience with insightful information applicable to everyday life for stress management and personal health management. He also dealt on the significance of personal health management on daily productivity, happiness and joy.


HR Meet 2013, Empowering Human Capital has been a grand success with exciting participation by various sectors and organizations and from different regions of Nepal. The sessions were participatory and interactive, the program was audience to audience interactive, audience to speaker interactive incorporating the thoughts over Human Resource Empowerment for an organization.

Series of sessions incubated through the reflection over the challenges to the organization; the most important assets of the organizations are Human Relation i.e. the key to the success of an organization. Challenges over the context of Human Resource Empowerment shall be addressed to the public private partnership. That has been highlighted by many local stakes and participants through the program. The program ended with the insightful speech by the Program Chair’s thanks of vote and commitment to continue same HR Meet by 2014 with innovative thoughts into the domain of human resource management.

As an organizer of the program, Growth Sellers Pvt. Ltd. has mapped the instant feedback from the participants, those feedback were pretty positive that has been the benchmark to add value and encourage the continuation of the program. On some part, participants also suggested to incorporate panel sessions by upcoming program and allocate a special interactive person to panel Q and A sessions by the end of programs. The program also highlighted the organizational success, the organization policies in compliance government policy to encourage the entrepreneurship and creating opportunities to boost overall economy of the growth.

Supported by

  • MAN
  • Ministry of General Administration


  • Chronos HR Software: HR Manager of the Year 2012, Cash Prize 50,0000 NRs
  • Signature Whisky
  • Global College of Management
  • TBI Group
  • Rakura Tea
  • 3H Management
  • Kite

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