HR Meet 2008
Theme: HR Today and Tomorrow
Nepal has gone through various shifts politically, economically, and socially over the last decade. In this era of global competency in the Nepalese context we have been backwards due to the failure to recognize and upgrade the most valuable asset of any organization, the human capital. Where the world has already taken a leap in establish a separate department dedicated to oversee human resources, we are still influenced by the old model of admin department and human resources is poorly managed in organizations. This has resulted in increased employee dissatisfaction, attrition and poor performance. So the need of the moment is to create a strong platform where knowledge and expertise is shared and intended beneficiaries i.e. the human resources of any organization ranging from big to small are nurtured into result-oriented individuals to create a win-win situation for both the employer and employee.
Realizing this need Growth Sellers took the initiative to organize the first ever meet held in Nepal dedicated to the human resources fraternity in the country. It was held on February 29, 2008 in Hotel DeL’ Annapurna. It was inaugurated by Honorable Finance Minister Dr. Ram Sharan Mahat amid individuals representing various organizations and professionals in excess of 90.
The featured speakers comprised of Dr. RP Mohanty as special invitee from India among many other eminent speakers from Nepal.
Prof Dr. R P Mohanty
Mr. Mohanty with over 29 years experience in academics in India and abroad gave a very enlightening presentation on the topic Future of HR. He shed light upon the future role of HR in organizations in the Asian context.
Mr. Anil Shah
CEO, of Nabil bank Mr. Shah’s presentation was based on “Expectations from HR Managers.” He stressed upon what organization and its employees should and do expect from HR Managers.
Mr. Rabindra Man Shrestha
MD of Continental Trading focused upon the top HR today-Nepal. He pointed about the shift in HR arena then and now in the Nepalese context.
Mr. Radhesh Panta
MD of Bank of Kathmandu, Ltd. Mr. Panta gave his exclusive presentation on Role of HR in change management in an organizational context.
Ms. Angur Baba Joshi
Renowned social worker Ms. Joshi shed light on corporate social responsibility from a human resources scenario and stressed upon its significance.
Dr. Shanker Sharma
Former vice-chairman of National Planning Commission Dr. Sharma delivered a magnificent speech on the topic “HR Management in Nation Building.” He pointed out the role of HR management in Nation Building. Mr. Gyanendra Lal Pradhan: MD of Butwal Power Company, Ltd. delivered a speech on “HR for Non-HR Managers. He focused on the significance of the need for HR for non-HR managers.
Dr. Narayan Manandhar
Industrial relations expert, Dr. Manandhar had his say on “Effective Industrial Relations” which was one of the uniquely featured presentations amid the program.
Dr. Nirakar Man Shrestha
Former health secretary of Nepal Dr. Shrestha gave a remarkable presentation on “Emotional Intelligence.”
Mr. Saurabh Jyoti
MD, Jyoti Group Mr. Jyoti illustrated his knowledge on the topic of “The HR Ecosystem.”
Mr. Rabin Acharya
Principal, Campion College Mr. Acharya represented the academia in the meet and gave his speech on the topic “How HR can perform effectively.”
Mr. Nirvana Kumar Chaudhary
Executive Director, Chaudhary Group did a presentation on the topic “HR Manager-an Entrepreneur” and shed light on the entrepreneurial aspect of being an HR manager.
Mr. Pradeep Kumar Shrestha
Managing Director-Panchakanya Group, Mr. Shrestha had his words on the topic “A Dream Organization” by revealing the essentials of an ideal organization.
The program was thoroughly enjoyed by all the participants. Token of appreciation were given to the speakers by representatives of Growth Sellers and the program coordination committee. The program ended with vote of thanks by the organizer followed by dinner.